This book was register at the Brazilian National Library on behalf of the author

Inside the compartment of the soldiers- spiders, on top of the vessel, that gutter that carries various cables and that had been hit by a bullet from one of the dealers, now gives a short full.

I, Sabino and Everardo are talking quietly, lying in our beds, not very comfortable when the internal lights of the entire vessel is off and light up a few seconds later! The three of us looked up and soon after each other.

- I think our break is over! (Everardo states).
- What was that? (I, Fernando, wonder).

- A power surge! This is not good! (Sabino deducts, while he out of bed and wears his military uniform). We have to find out what is happening!

- But... what reason? (I wonder, distressed).
- I have no idea! (Sabino states). Everything works here, powered by nuclear energy! The flaw could be happening anywhere. But that's not what I'm worried...!
- What are you talking about? What can be more damaging than the lack of energy in a boat in the middle of a huge river in a region abandoned? (I wonder).

Sabino accelerates now step toward the cockpit and he yells at me already there in the hallway:

- We can no longer be invisible!

A chill runs down my spine because we are already very close to the border of our neighbors and in hostile territory, full of traffickers and guerrillas. The mission ghost may be about to become a disaster! Everardo also jumps out of bed and gets dressed quickly, chasing Sabino. I tried to do the same, but again hit his head on the dais above my bed, trying to sit there. Greater pain than the last time it happened, because now my forehead was already hurt! The technique is to exit slide out side without getting up, but when push comes to shove, I forget it.

- Damn! This is already turning slapstick now! (I declare slowly coming out of my rest).

Finally I get to the cabin. Sabino is desperately trying to reconnect the system of invisibility. All avatars are stopped. Static. Inert. Monitors off. An eerie silence because nothing is connected at that moment. The heat begins to rise within the vessel now closed and no air conditioning. Without energy we are adrift. Without water to drink and without the refrigerator running. If we can’t rewire everything quickly, we'll also without food very soon. All spoil. Sabino sickeningly press the Power button on the front center panel of the cockpit and nothing happens. I noticed that it was very big concern with the situation. Everardo rushes away and returns to the maintenance room.

- What is happening, Sabino? (I wonder, distressed).
- We are without power throughout the boat!
- But we have lights in the room, the hallway and here! (I declare, surprised at this fact).
- They are only emergency lights, because three of us are on board. If we were not here, they do not light up.
- You can’t transfer emergency power to the rest of the boat?
- It would not last five seconds, if I did that! It is only a minimal energy so we can do the maintenance (Sabino states that already runs out of the cabin toward the maintenance sector where he works).

I, Fernando, I approach the avatars inert, I look at them and I try to talk to the commander:

- Commander! What is happening? Why are without power?
No answer was given to me! Then talk to the computer of the vessel:
- Computer! What is the diagnosis of the situation?

I also hear no answer! I felt that the time was too delicate for us all. Without the support of headquarters in Brasilia, we depend only on two soldiers aboard. I quicken my pace behind the two cables to see what I could help. But something unexpected happens. I would only know this detail in the future when we analyze it we call "the black box of the vessel" which has its own energy and accompanies all independently: A lone red light and illuminates on the main panel. It seems that all is not without power after all. The supercomputer boat on monitors! But that does not mean that this fact is a good sign for the humans aboard! A serious problem can begin at any time for all of us. In the maintenance sector Sabino defines what each of us will have to do to solve the problem.

- Everardo! We need to find out where the power was broken. We have to find the breaking point of the system.
- Whatever I do, Sabino? (Everardo questions).
- Take a multi-meter there... in my briefcase. Help me check all points and electrical connections of the vessel (Sabino requests as I watch both men in great agitation in front of me).
- Where should I measure energy? (Everardo questions).

- Start with the distribution panels and continue to the nuclear generator! I will do the opposite. I'll measure the nuclear origin to where you started. So we quickly find the location of the problem.

- Ok, Sabino.
- And I? What do you want me to do? (I wonder, Fernando).
- Pray, my friend ...! Pray too ...! (Sabino states). Because the solution of this problem may vary from the simple circuit breaker resetting, even take weeks to resolve.

- I'm going upstairs, open the outer cover and observe the outside world, to know where we are and if someone is spying on us (I comment I believe I would be doing something useful).

- NO! (Everardo screams).
- Why? What's wrong with that? (I wonder, concerned with the cry of the military).
- If you open the outer door now, supercomputer may consider that there is an invasion of the vessel and it trigger various security systems. We can be killed quickly!
- But it's all off, Everardo! The computer will not know it happened!

- The operation of this vessel is not as simple as that! There auxiliary energy systems and computer programs that can redirect energy lighting for the defense system and then... we have no chance to survive here in the dark against deadly gases, shooting weapons and various traps.

- Damn! Who designed this? (I wonder, disgusted with the situation).
- We both! (Sabino says, looking at Everardo).
- But we're the good guys here! You can’t say it to your computer? (I wonder).

- At the moment he is working with energy reserves and only the minimum functions. Is watching us to ensure that we do nothing wrong. It does not know who we are. Face recognition systems are not linked. Any move our unexpected, that looks like sabotage, will be killed quickly!

- Damn! (I declare).
- I found the problem! (Sabino informs).
- Where is it? (Everardo asks).

- I do not know where it is! I only know that the online distribution center, located upstairs, the ceiling is not transmitting power to the rest of the vessel.


Everardo for measuring and looks very worried toward Sabino, who makes the same gesture back to the colleague. Squeeze my eyes, wondering what it could mean. I can not resist. As a reporter must know the truth:

- I don’t like the look of you. What they mean by this? What's the problem now?

They both look at me with the same face worried and Everardo answer my question:

- The energy problem is the compartment of soldiers spiders!
- So what? It's not just fix everything so quickly and returned to the mission? (I inquire, simplifying the final outcome of the problem).
- That's right! But the soldiers spiders are active and maybe they do not like the presence of Sabino there! (Everardo states).

- Ops! (Sabino exclaims busy). Who said that I will be me up there?
- Well .. between us ... you are the most qualified to fix electrical problems! (Everardo informs).
- But if I die up there, you can not keep running this boat alone! Besides, I do not know the extent of the problem! I need you there with me (Sabino informs).

- Dying ...? You're hiding something, is not it? (I inquire, already nervous). What is really happening here?
They both look at me and back at each other when Sabino solves tell me the truth.

- We were trying to spare you from the real problem. But I think at this point we leave the chance of living here is very small.
- How so? If you can’t fix this "floating submarine", who can? (I inquire, already nervous).
- We can fix, but perhaps the supercomputer does not agree with that! (Everardo informs).

- When there is a complete power failure the computer takes charge of internal security (Sabino states). This means that we can not enter certain places. How, for example, where the weapons are, the soldiers spiders upstairs and nuclear system on the floor below us. If we go to such places, many deadly devices can be triggered throughout the boat.

- And is there another option? (I wonder).
- There is yes! But just me and Everardo can’t do it alone (says Sabino). We will need you to stay in the cockpit
and you trigger some programming sequences there.
- Okay ...! I think I can do it ...! Just teach me and I run! (I declare).

- It is not that simple! (Everardo comments). When we trigger energy you will have a few seconds before the avatars return to "life". During this time the computer considers the cockpit as a restricted area because everything is working again, and the avatars will attack you to kill him. The facial recognition systems take longer to be available, because there is a priority system on a vessel that does not need crew. The avatars will be under the control of the supercomputer until you impute the central panel control code. After that they wait for you to speak the magic phrase!

- Ahhh! Is that it? ( I, Fernando, comment ironically). And what is the magic phrase?
- Potato at birth, spreads by ground... but if it is invisible ... what difference does it make? (Sabino comments).
- Are you kidding, right? (I inquire).

- No! And there's more! (Sabino informs). The computer will release lethal gas while it tries to enter the password. This gas will kill you in a few seconds. You need to hold your breath before the gas is released!

- Damn! I came here just to watch and I'm turning into a victim of war! (I say the two soldiers).
- I do not know if this will help you become more peaceful, Fernando, but long before you have problems in the cockpit, and I Everardo can already be dead up there.
- How so? I thought I could fix the damn power!?!?

- We will have to convince the supercomputer before we fix the internal problem of the vessel (Sabino informs).
- Convincing? Don’t just recite another magic phrase for soldiers- spiders? (I inquire, perplexed by this fact).

- Not so fast ...! Each compartment has a different approach prohibited. Upstairs there are no passwords. Because this information can simply be stolen from me. I need to be convinced that I am the real Sabino. When we deal with artificial intelligence, ... very clever ... like the intelligence we have on board, we need to act convincingly. Lies or attempts to mislead it may be interpreted by the computer as an attempt to sabotage. The system voice recognition and face is not available and I will have to identify and prove who I am, so that the computer let me come in and work. Nor can act very quickly, we will have to move as if it were in slow motion.

- Have you programmed all this? (I wonder, with hands on hips, the Sabino).
- That's right! I figured an invasion, all try to act quickly, and they were caught in my trap.
- Damn! (I comment again).

Meanwhile Everardo opens a large drawer and begins to remove some things from there. Three gas masks, three flashlights, radio communicators three earphones (to put in the ear, as do TV presenters and singers), two tool boxes, three bulletproof vests and three necklaces.

- Collect bulletproof?!?! And what are these necklaces?!?! (I wonder).
- There are weapons installed discreetly in hidden corners of the vessel to guess who invades the place, especially where I and Sabino are going now (Everardo says). And the necklaces ... are just ... lucky charms!

- Do you believe that? (I wonder).
- Well .. not bad ... will not it? (Everardo says sheepishly while installing field radio in his right ear).
- I do not believe in luck and chance ... but ... I might use ... one of these amulets ... just for you ... not ... doubt their beliefs ... and so ... you can work more relaxed (I declare, through faltering while also install my system field radio).

- So ...! Let's get to work? (Sabino asks, picking up a bulletproof vest from the table and wearing it immediately).
- Ahhh! One more thing, Fernando! (Everardo remember, while he also wears his vest). If any of the avatars trying to punch you ... Offer to impact some part of your body that is protected by this vest. It is specially prepared to absorb impacts of this type also.

- Ahhh! Ok! So I just need to concentrate on typing a long sequence in the central panel, while five avatars are powerful punching me and all this amidst a lethal gas that will probably prevent me from seeing what is happening and at the end recite a verse while I'm silly dying? (I comment on in an ironic way, while seen my bulletproof vest).

- It is! You got it straight! (Sabino comments happy, putting the amulet on the neck and the gas mask on his neck as if it were also a necklace, ready for use at any time). You only need to memorize the password and type it so quickly. Then just recite the magic phrase.

- Potato when born, it spreads by ground... (I start the sentence).
- ... But if it is invisible... what difference does it make? (Everardo complete the sentence).
- But anyway if all else fails, just run out of the control room, because the avatars do not run so fast (Sabino complements).

I look at Sabino, concerned with all of this, because there is not much to escape to. The boat is cramped and has few places to hide!
- I'm going up there now as Everardo teaches you where to enter the password in the cockpit. Ok?
- Good luck up there, Sabino! (I wish it).

Marcelo Henrique
as Fernando

Danilo Formagio
as Corporal Sabino

Everardo accelerates step toward the cockpit and I follow. Sabino install the radio system in his ear and he picks up the small toolbox. It hangs on the side of his body and he starts climbing up the ladder towards the top floor where the soldiers armed and dangerous spiders are.

Arriving there he stands inside the hatch floor and slowly so as not to frighten the artificial intelligence alert that room. Once your head "invades" the environment above, two strong lights are thrown directly into his face, showing soldiers spiders in attack position and now with the guns pointed at him.

- Hello! I am the cable Sabino and I'm here to do the maintenance of the electrical system damaged.
- Cape Sabino!?!? (the female voice of the computer says). How do you expect me to believe that?

- I was the one who built it all! There was a short circuit in the electrical system here in this magazine and I need to fix the defect. The stealth system is not working and we are exposed to enemy attacks.

- I am aware of the problem but you has not said anything to convince me that you are the Sabino (the female voice of the computer says).

Still standing on the stairs with his head being lit by the lights of soldiers spiders, Sabino begins to recall moments from the past.

- Uh...! Remember when we had just installed weapons system and you told me that if... those days... give a warning shot? [Laughs!]. And when we were almost finished assembling the boat and you told me that was eager to meet the sea? Those were good times spent at the military shipyard, were not they?

- Yes! It is true! You really seem to be the true Sabino. But I'll be watching! Do not make mistakes!
- Ahhh! Thank you! I'll go up then... here... this floor... very slowly... and find out where the real problem of energy.

Sabino enters the environment and with one hand he presses a lighting system available in your chest, stuck to his bulletproof vest. This facilitates the visualization of the entire environment in the forward direction and wherever he turns.

The young soldier observes the entire top of the place in search of where there may have been the problem. As he walks slowly soldiers spiders will reposition to keep it under your spotlight and in the sights of your weapons, placed on top of them. Looking up, Sabino discovers the location of the problem! He slowly walks up a staircase to arm, wall mounted nearby. The military releases and makes one more comment:

- I found the location of the problem! It's on the ceiling. I do not know how it happened! Just know that one of the soldiers hit spiders here?

- I have no record of that fact! (the artificial intelligence responds). The sensors on the body of the soldiers did not detect such an impact.

Sabino puts the ladder in position below the problem, climbs some stairs and analyze what happened.

- Hmm...! Looks like it was shot! And... apparently... he came from the direction... the right door out of soldiers spiders! Does... someone shot here as they entered or left?

- I do not know! (artificial intelligence declares).
- I think we need to shield all this inner region so that this does not happen more in the future! (Sabino states). One more thing! I'll need help to fix it!

- You know that I can not release a soldier-spiders to this task. My job is to keep an eye on you!
- I'm not talking your help! I speak of my colleague Everardo, who also helped to build it!

- I know who is Everardo! Someone is coming here now! Does he?
- Must be! Treat it well! Without it I can not fix it here. We will have to replace at least two cables damaged! An energy and other data.

- Who is the third guy who is in the cockpit?
- The reporter's Navy! He was hired not long ago and is here to observe and record everything he sees!
- And what is his name?
- You know! Fernando's Day!
- I know! I just wondered if you knew!

Sabino looks directly at the soldiers, spiders, realizing that he is being tested all the time by the onboard computer! Everardo now climbs up the ladder too quickly and his face is illuminated by one of the soldiers spiders, so her head appears there while the other remains illuminating Sabino!

- Hello! Guys! Our... how hot it is up here! I'm Everardo who built all here along with Sabino!
- Prove that you is Everardo! (artificial intelligence requires).

- ... Haaa! When I rode the radar system you said I was tickling because a wire connection to your control system was scraping on the stems of the device and giving light short. I laughed a lot with this and asked him if he was serious. You smiled and asked me to ward off the wire there. I still do not know if you spoke the truth or if he was kidding me!

- I was joking, Everardo! You are being very convincing to say who you are. Recount stories that only you and I know. None of this is recorded off my internal system and, therefore, it seems that you are even talking to me. But you make no mistake! I can delete them if you make a mistake!

- I hope you understand that we are in a very critical situation here (Everardo declares, as he enters the environment and walks slowly down the site). We Are drifting, visible to the world and territory not very friendly! Our mission will fail if we do not solve the energy problem soon.

- I am aware of it all! The course of the river is taking us back to the interior of Brazil and not toward the Peru! And as far as I know you could not be who they say they are and here you are trying to turn me off to steal the secrets of my systems! Therefore, the mission may have already been compromised! And from my point of view I am here to ensure that no one can have access to military secrets.

- I who programmed you and I know how you will act from now on! (Sabino informs). But bear with me! Like some intruder may have come here if any of the exterior doors opened? Everardo (turning now to Sabino military colleague) we need to change this whole session from mains power and also the data! They were damaged by the same shot!

Everardo also triggers your lighting system, available right in your chest, the bullet-proof vest, and he walks up to one of the inner walls of the floor of the boat, always in the spotlight of one of the soldiers spiders. He opens a small door slowly and it takes away from a new session within two meters of power cable and another two meters of data cable. Now Everardo also releases another ladder set that was stuck on the wall next.

- I understand this situation, Sabino! (artificial intelligence states). But the enemy could have pierced an exterior wall when the internal energy dropped or opened one of the doors outside, while I was restoring my main systems. Because you know that it takes twenty minutes to solve.

- You're wrong! (Sabino realizing that he is being tested again by the computer says). The restoration of your systems when the power outage, it takes only ten minutes... not twenty... and by that time no one could pierce the wall, come here and take our seats with all the information we have available! Does your memory was damaged too?

- But they could have opened one of the doors and dominated all three of you. And you know I'm testing you, do not you?

Sabino smiles while unplugging the power cord and data damaged by the shooting of a drug dealer at the last meeting they had!

- Of course I know! I'm kidding! This boat is my greatest creation! (Sabino declares artificial intelligence). I have a huge pride to be here participating in this mission to you directly! I'll do anything to protect you from our enemies, nor do I even have to attack them with my own hands to save you.

- Thanks, Sabino! So solve the energy problem and we will complete this mission!

Everardo delivers the data cable to your colleague and positioned below your ladder close to the Sabino. On the top of the last step he begins to release the data cable and electric affected. By doing this the old power cord, which is a bit heavy falls. This should cause the immediate firing of dual military weapons of the soldiers spiders, pointed out to them, because it was a very fast moving, and that artificial intelligence could consider as a threat! The two young people close their eyes, because they were sure that they would die at that moment. But curiously none of this happens. The artificial intelligence does not manifest itself on the subject and it still allows both to continue working, but always under the spotlight of the soldiers-spiders! Sabino resolves to rule on the matter:

- You... not following your schedule...! I thought it would...
- Kill them? You gave me many proofs of who they are who they claim to be. I'm giving a vote of confidence at the
- But... this schedule should not be circumvented... (Sabino declares awkwardly).
- Sabino! Leave things as they are (Everardo said, angry with colleague). He is willing to die before completing our mission?

- It's okay, folks! Finish their work fast! (the computer states with female voice). We will accomplish our mission together! What about programming that cant be circumvented...! Remember that I programmed to evolve too! I added new lines of programming to a new condition, which is that which says: "shoot somebody crew is not permitted." And you have convinced me that they are who they claim to be. But I'm still watching you. Do not feel very confident until everything is done and I can finally recognize their

Sabino smiles for Everardo, because he thought incredible that the computer had achieved such sensitivity and common sense. Everardo raises an eyebrow and mouth twists, disapproving attitude to confront the colleague's computer.

- You did not have to do that! (Everardo complains).

- I need to know about everything that is happening on schedule! (Sabino states).

Gabriel Camargo
as Corporal Eve

* Biometry is the statistical study of the physical characteristics or behavior of people or animals in order to identify an individual uniquely through the measurements of the face, fingerprints, iris, so to walk, talk or react to some event.
In the main cabin I, Fernando, I am bothered by the delay of two soldiers in solving the energy problem up there.

Suddenly I heard a soft knock something against the outer hull of our boat invisible and also several voices shouting outside, in a language incomprehensible.

Perhaps because the interior of the vessel is very well insulated and acoustically sound gets mixed medium. I can not understand anything they talk out there.

But it worries me a lot because they can be guerrillas, drug traffickers or the police on the Brazilian border. Anyone may have already discovered us!

The computer when you wake up you can kill them all, after we kill here! Upstairs the two cables finalize the repair operation.

- I have already connected the data cable (Sabino informs).
- Me too! (Everardo states). We will install the power?

- I'm not able to stretch the power cord to connect it (the colleague says Sabino and Everardo). The weight of the cable is pulling everything down. I need you to go down there and push the center up, otherwise I would not be able to connect here.

- I can’t stop now to help you! (Everardo states). I am setting the tab to secure the tip on this side. She bent when the old cable fell to the ground.

At this point I, Fernando, talk radio with Sabino!

- Sabino! I hear someone knocking on the hull of our boat out there. Are talking to each other too, but I can not understand what they say. What do we do now?

- Who is out there, Sabino? (questioning artificial intelligence).
- I have no idea! (he says). We need to finish our work soon and then discover it together. Computer help me out here ... fast! (he asks to artificial intelligence).

A few seconds pass without anything happening. Then one of the soldiers spiders slowly approaches and he stretches robotic arm up, helping to support the center of the new cable by pulling it upward.

This ensures the alignment of the set and Sabino can make the power connection, finally solving the problem.

Everardo also terminates the adjustment clamp and connect the other end of the new power cord. Both the military descend the stairs of arming and Everardo goes to the electrical panel next to the wall.

- Thanks, Computer! We all form a nice team! (Sabino declares artificial intelligence).

- Fernando! Prepare yourself! I will rewire the energy (Everardo comments via headset communication system). Remember you all that we combine? Will you manage to solve this?

- Yes..! I'm ready...! You can reconnect...! (I reply, Fernando, now in the position to enter the sequence taught me).

The cabin lights begin to light up and the terminal where should I enter the password, also reconnects. I'll quickly typing the password that I decorated.

At the end I look aside and all avatars arise simultaneously from their seats. I hear the female voice of the computer:

- What are you doing here?

Rapidly, and half faltering, I recite the text that taught me to speak:

- Potato when born ... spreads by ... by ground... but if invisible ... what difference does it make?

So I close my eyes and cringe, wondering what I will now hit by a powerful punch!

But what happens is that all the avatars sit back in their seats. I hear the female voice of the computer talking to me:

- The text is wrong, Fernando! The right way: potato when born sprawls across the floor. Little girl when sleeping puts his hand on his heart!

- What the...? But they taught me different... (I tell the computer). I thought the avatars were going to hit me now...! And you just say that my text is wrong?!?!

- Relax, journalist! I'm evolving and I do not need this part of the password. Everardo and Sabino don’t be fooled. I changed this setting.

- And can you do this? (I wonder).
- If I could not... you'd be dead... and we would not be talking right now!

Now monitors are restarted one by one and the cameras begin to show many Indians around us in small boats.

They are looking, half frightened by the size and shape of our boat. They've never seen anything like this!

- They are local indigenous! They are not enemies! (I, Fernando, declare to the computer, hoping that he would not hurt).
- Yes, I know! (the computer says). But here I have to disappear before any dealer to appear.

Sabino and Everardo arrive at the cabin.

- And then? It all worked out? (Everardo asks me).
- Calm down, folks! There was no mutiny aboard! Our friend here (I mean the artificial intelligence of the boat) is more evolved than you think! Everything is under control, but we need to get back invisible and continue the mission.

- Indians are what I'm seeing out there? (Sabino questions).
- Are you okay? (The captain's voice returns to the speakers of the vessel). What happened with you?
- Everything is under control now, sir! (Sabino answers). We had a short and energy fell.
- But what caused it? (Commander questions).

- A shot in the trough power installed on the roof of the boat, sir! And by the direction of the bullet looks like it came from outside. To prevent this from happening again we need to install a protection bulletproof on the power rail.

- We were following all satellite and we realized when these Indians approached, surrounding you! Why they are surrounding the vessel and looking for her? (the commander questions).
- We are visible, sir! But now we will resolve it now (Everardo states).

- Visible? Damn! Let us again take control of the mission and present a convincing illusion for them to depart thence.

- Ok, sir! We just rewire everything (Sabino states). We'll do some more check-ups to see if there was other damage... Lord! The computer is evolving our boat! He's been doing things that even I could expect! I will prepare my report and today I'll send it to you, Commander!

- Okay, Cape! (Commander agrees with Sabino). Soldier Carlos! Let's show the Indians that our boat can also dip. Unleash the image-submarine boat on all sides of the vessel for them to see. Major! (He is now talking to Margarida, who is the pilot of the boat invisible). Once the sequence of video images Finally, I want you to navigate forward and we go directly toward the triple border. We are beginning to slow us down with all these unexpected situations!

- Yes, sir! (The pilot and Major Margarida responds).

The natives observe the generated image impressed on all sides of the huge boat.

The video shows the boat quickly sinking into the waters of the Solimões River, creating a small whirlpool virtual, while Major Margarida triggers the lower central engines.

She navigates ASAP forward towards Peru.

The Indians, impressed with what they saw, certainly will comment this fact for a long time among themselves in the tribe, and then they will transfer that vision to others.

This vision can become a legend of the Brazilian jungles in the future. In view of the satellite everyone observes the image of a boat exploding and soon after the wreck sinking rapidly in the river disappear completely.

It is an illusion to fool enemy satellites or friends who are watching us right now. To complete the picture the illusion of smoke is thrown upward.

I, Fernando, I realize that image on the screens and I inquire about what is happening there:

- This image of our sinking boat... why it is being shown in the view of the satellite?

- If any other satellite is spying on us this time, he will have the impression that we were sunk (the commander Severus responds, via the speaker). But this time we have another major problem to be solved. Sabino and Everardo are listening?

- Yes, sir! We are doing the check-ups of all systems and so far we have not found anything wrong! (Everardo answers).

- Very good! (Commander praises). While you were without power we receive a video that had been sent to us by General Figueiredo. Americans know of our existence and they can match our drive through Solimões River spy satellite. They require our services on a mission in North Korea, otherwise they betray our presence in real time on the White House website.We may be physically invisible, but all our enemies and neighbors will know exactly where we'll be... all the time. Our government has denied that the ship invisible is real and so our current mission and future missions may already be compromised. We are following the White House website and so far they do not denounced. As they need our support in Asia, we do not believe that Americans meet the threat they made us, declaring the existence of our vessel. We analyze here all the possibilities and come to the conclusion that they must be tracking us because of the use of nuclear energy. We spoke with a Brazilian expert in Angra dos Reis who warned us that nuclear power emits radiation wave different circumstances and maybe it can be detected by a satellite. And while being confined inside the protective chamber aboard the boat invisible, it is possible that our screen is not sufficient for the kind of reading that they do this by spy satellite! We do not know how Americans can actually detect us, but we have to create a way for us to stay hidden for them too. I'm looking for suggestions on this.

- Not knowing how they are in detecting, will be difficult to create a way to hide (Sabino states).
- But what if some specific type of analysis frequency magnetic or electric high sensitivity satellite? (Everardo inquires). Then we can isolate with a Faraday cage!
- What? (Commander says). Talk to me in English, Cape! I am no expert!

- Faraday Cage is a type of shielding against electrical disturbances emitted by external electric or electromagnetic fields (Everardo states). If we engage the entire body inside the vessel with aluminum foil, we were able to make the most they can not "see" via satellite. This, of course, if it is in this way that the American satellite is getting us to detect.

- So you just need a huge amount of aluminum foil to install under the surface of the vessel? (Commander Severus questioned).
- Exactly, sir! (Everardo confirms). But this brings a problem for us here and you guys! We will not be able to communicate more with the outside world and you no longer have control over the ship invisible.

- This is not good! (Commander declares). The boat must be operated only by artificial intelligence and you will be blind, unable to see what happens out there!

- Not necessarily, sir! (Sabino states). We can let our antennas outside the Faraday cage for us to continue operating normally and the same way now, sir. Most of the electric and magnetic fields that generate, because of the large amount of equipment and wiring, will be protected and will no longer be "seen" by the American satellite.

- Are you sure, Cape Sabino? (Commander questions).
- I can not guarantee it to be that way in the American satellite is detecting, but if so, they will have a nice surprise, sir (Sabino comments).

- It's worth trying to solve that way! We will send one or more military aircraft, plus extra supplies for you. The main cargo is hundreds of square meters of aluminum foil for you sticking it under the structure of external LEDs. The airplane will descend in Tabatinga International Airport on the edge of the Amazon with the borders of Peru and Colombia. We are currently analyzing the region. Wait one minute...! We found a small area cleared the bank of the Solimões River... the end of the runway at Tabatinga. It seems to be a place that is slightly desert five hundred meters from the end of the airport runway. It is a protected area of forest around and you can get there in a very discreet. When the planes arrive we will do an isolation military across the region so we can load them to pass confidential and nobody knows what we're doing. Americans know what we're doing, but after that it will be too late for them to detect.

- You need to remember that Americans have a military base in Colombia and they may want to visit us while we are anchored there (I, Fernando, commenting).

- It is true, Fernando! (Commander agrees). I'm pretty sure they will do that. But the Brazilian navy will do everything possible to keep them apart as long as possible. Perhaps you need from there and during the trip can coat the inside of the vessel.

- How Everardo just me and I can do it while the boat moves unseen in enemy territory, sir? (Sabino questions).

- We will send a small team of support. The four soldiers who worked with us in the boat building will be among them invisible. They will stick the foil with the boat still on the ground, if possible. If you can not they will accompany them on board during the mission! (Commander suggests). They will do the work while you navigate and fight traffickers.

- Where they sleep, sir? Here there is no room! (Everardo questions).

- Improvise! Do shifts and take turns to sleep (the commander suggests). Do not forget to save on food too.

- Yes, sir! (Sabino answers). When the load will come, sir?

- While we're talking we're already providing (the commandant claims). Wait as long as it takes!

- And the mission, sir? It will delay? (I remember, Fernando).

- Stay alert all around (the commander orders). If the presence of a drug dealer is confirmed, ending up with him. When you arrive at Tabatinga anchor the boat, turn off everything and leave only on what is necessary to ensure the safety and minimum conditions for survival. Put the soldiers spiders invisible from the outside of the vessel for you to protect them from a possible attack by land. We'll be in radio silence around here too. If Americans fail to detect the signal from the satellite invisible boat, we will be protected until you sticking around the aluminum foil. After that we can act freely! At work, gentlemen!

- We are nearing the place, sir! (A Major Margarida says).

- Ok, pilot! Proceed as promised!

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