This book was register at the Brazilian National Library on behalf of the author

The next day there I was, Fernando, following in the cockpit vessel invisible, already a few miles of the triple border between Brazil, Peru and Colombia. Now all the team members were more tense because there was already a place of land conflicts and constant patrolling of traffickers.

- Commander! Speedboat with armed men coming towards us! (the soldier Ricardo, responsible for satellite images, comments).
- Before slaughter it need to make sure they are guerrillas or drug traffickers (said Captain). Soldier John! As soon as possible try to confirm the identity of all those on board. Use the software Interpol American facial identification!

- Yes, sir! I'm connected and checking! (John, responsible for external cameras, internal and invisible thermal boat responds).

The soldier John zooms in on the faces of the gunmen. The program freezes the camera image and the visual information is compared with the thousands of faces available in the system. Now the soldier does the same with a second crew of the boat. When zooming in third subject the program has confirmed the identity of the first as being a sought by Interpol. John does the same for each of the five subjects armed and soon after the commander responds:

I confirmed the identities, Commander! (John says). Are drug traffickers, arms, wanted for murder, kidnapping and robbery in various countries of South America!
The gang is reunited! (commander declares). Lieutenant Julius, preparing weapons! Let's get them now!
- One minute, sir ...!
(ordering the soldier Ricardo). I'm detecting several other boats coming towards us, behind this which we will shoot ...! And now I also see a boat approaching from the stern of our boat... Confirmed! It's the border police, sir!
Damn! (Commander, nervous states). Major! Let's go over all those boats ahead!
How is it, Commander? (the major questions, without understanding what it was to do exactly that order).
Let's go bowling, major! Browse the boat to hit each of the boats that are ahead of us. Let's throw them all in the water.
Why, sir? (the major asks).

We will not have time to identify all of them before the police arrived. And if we can’t have time to kill them without our presence is detected. Let's at least start their weapons from the hands or make them flee and then we chase them to where they are. Thus the police will protect us and our confidentiality save guards here. Lieutenant Julius shoot all identified the first boat. Use our bow gun with silencer. I want one for every shot and killed fast. Don’t err.

The Major Margarida, who is the pilot of the boat invisible, begins to divert the vessel to which each of the following boats are invisible bumping by boat. It reduces the speed to rotate or change the course of the ship invisible.

Meanwhile Lieutenant Julius responsible for armaments, makes aiming and brand, with a bright point laser, the chest of each of the occupants of the first boat.

Soon after shots are fired in sequence, one by killing one of the occupants.

The speedboat such ungoverned slows the boat invisible hit them aside, forcing the enemy vessel to capsize, throwing all the bodies in the water. The other boats that come back first realize that they accelerate and turned to help colleagues.

The pilot boat invisible strives to keep the boat on a collision course and she begins to navigate away, thanks to the central engine which can turn the boat in any direction, making feasible such a maneuver.

This way she hit the side of the second boat with the bow in the military craft. The armed men fall into the water and the vehicle turns them upside down.

The third, who was almost parallel to the second, it is also right by the back of the boat invisible capsizing ditto to the above.

Now the other three which follow realize something is wrong and they stop sail in the same direction.

The invisible boat speeds up and even aside three hits while dragging several meters until you come all upside down and the armed men fall into the water.

Very well, Major! Soldier John! Identify each of the men who are in the water. If they are criminals inform the Lieutenant Julius eliminate it one by one.

Yes, sir! (The soldier John replies).
Fernando! Note that I am worried about not killing innocent people! If some of these people do not have a police record international we do not kill. We will ask for the marine life to raise this subject innocent and we will give you a new vessel as good or better than he had before destroy. We are not murderers nor cruel! We're just making the world a better place for good people.

I, Fernando, I hear the captain's voice, coming from the speakers of the boat, and I'm thinking how thin is the line between good and evil! We're killing people in cold blood that perhaps could be salvaged for society. But we will never know.

I want to believe this will be good for the future of the continent, but we do not know how the world will judge us fifteen years from now, when all this is revealed to society. Maybe we are treated as butchers cruel and totally misguided as to what we should have done about the drug problem.

Meanwhile, the lieutenant and the soldier will eliminate one by one of the targets identified that swam not to drown in the world's largest river. Piranhas begin to appear in huge swarms andattack targeted by our weapons. The border police launch rapidly approaching, because they saw in the distance the accident involving the six vessels of traffickers.

Many of the castaways, still alive, raised their hands up because they believed that the police had established that death trap for them. Noticing the strange reaction of traffickers in the water, the police approaching with caution and with guns drawn, fearing not to be overtaken.

There was no place in the police boat for all the castaways, they could even create a riot and dominate the policemen lift the board. Then the captives were in the water holding only the sides of the boat at gunpoint military weapons. Lieutenant Julius shooting continues until there are only five men in the water, clinging to the boat officer.

Slowly the military heading into one of the river there yes, able to land and handcuffing each of the suspects. But the commander of the ship invisible does not want the survivors are part of the list of prisoners. We were there to kill all who were traffickers or guerrillas.

Soldier John! Those five subjects in the water, in police custody, are also blacklisted in Interpol?
- Just a minute, sir...!
(John replied that was just evaluating each). Uh... yes, sir! Confirmed! All of them are also sought.
- Very well, then! We can not shoot the dealers not to hit any police or sink the boat Brazil. Cable Sabino and Everardo!
- Yes, sir! We're listening!
- Bring your soldiers-spiders to the side of the police boat and drown every one of those men who are in the wate
r (the commander orders).

I, Fernando, I am horrified by this! It was a cowardly way to kill someone. From my point of view, at that time, we were starting to become the image and likeness of the attitudes of our enemies. As cruel as! So insensitive as! As treacherous as they are!

Are you feeling okay, Fernando? (commander asks me). This mission is too heavy for you?

- I think this mission will be too heavy for us all, sir! (I declare). The story can condemn us for murders against humanity criminal conspiracy and execution without giving right of defenseless victims!

We are soldiers on a mission, Fernando. We are returning to these crooks the same rights that they gave those who killed, raped, robbed and condemned to a life of drugs and theft. If we give these monsters, we are now eliminating, the same human rights that everyone should have, what we give then a father and dutiful social? What is the meaning of human rights such as worms that kill our children, wives, parents and friends...? No, Fernando...! Even though the story crucify us, they will have to admit that this cleaning to be done...! Even though we have our names marked killers we have changed the future of our region. Everyone needs to know that planting and dealing drugs have a high price going forward. They are now paying with their lives by choosing to live this way! We are now the ghost that haunts all these wretches, who like us, live in fear in our homes, not knowing if our children return from a movie or a walk. We live under grills for these murderers can walk free on the streets doing what they want. We live in fear while driving, because these monsters you with your conscience, is trying to save.

- I do not want to save them, but just remember that Hitler also thought that the life of all other people was unnecessary. He believed he was doing good in the world to exterminate Jews, blacks, gays and all who were not Aryans.

Are you comparing us to the Nazis, Fernando?
- No, sir! I'm saying that our certainties may not be correct! The eyes of other people we can be making a wrong judgment.
But you're not here to judge, is not, Fernando?

- This time you're right, Commander. I'm just here to narrate in the most unbiased as possible, events that I agree or not, are happening before my eyes and with my connivance. While I agree that these men deserve to die for everything they have done wrong, I'm here just alerting you that our attitudes may not be so commendable regarded by future generations.

Okay, Fernando! (the commander said). So keep writing down all the details and let history judge us in the future. Brazil expects each of us to do his duty... Today!

Outside the soldiers-spiders operate and invisible approach, one on each side of the ship officer. They grab two dealers on one side, pulling them down and soon after other two are also pulled under water too. Four of the five men there quickly disappear and reappear soon after, floating, dead ahead and downstream. The last of the five traffickers rises rapidly and directly inside the police boat, which sped away from that dangerous place. Neither of them knew what was happening and did not wait to find out.

Damn! One of them ran away! (the captain of the boat invisible says).
We can chase the police boat and target by far the dealer, sir! (Lieutenant Julius suggested).

No, Lieutenant! Running behind a speedboat military may also expose us and delay our mission. Let's get into the "den of wolves" and become extinct animal known as "dealer" in this region. We can profit from this that got away from us! He shall fear he witnessed his friends in jail. Gradually they all also lived in fear of dying! And this is part of our mission! The thugs must believe that someone is stalking them very powerful. Sabino and Everardo return the vessel with their soldiers spiders. This operation is over!

- Yes, sir! (Sabino said by radio, half embarrassed for killing people so cruel).

When I heard those words I heard the final master, I, Fernando, I opt to leave me there. I return to my desk in the kitchen naval. I need to keep my report without being influenced by my opinions. Being a journalist is not easy. As far as I I witness is the true facts?

I can’t interview one of the traffickers for him to tell his story! As far as I can comment on what I see without influence who is reading my texts? One must beware of adjectives, which can give the impression of my support or my disagreement with the facts. The truth is to be impartial when you're so close to the events, it is very difficult!

My own feelings are about me. My sympathy for the cause or not, you want to be noble, can not prevail over what I should narrate coldly and without emotion. How anyone could do this, seeing dozens of people being killed in cold blood?

On the other hand, I wonder how a father who lost his son to drugs, could be feeling to know our mission? I think when this is over, I need to interview many people. I have to show the opinion of society for this current historical fact and hidden from the masses. Future generations should have access to that society today thinks about cleaning and deadly cold of drug traffickers and producers across South America will ask the General Figueiredo who authorize me to do field research on this topic to attach to my final report.

Maybe I should also interviewing traffickers arrested and others still at large! Maybe they could also give your opinion on how to combat drugs in societies. It will be interesting to know how he would fight a drug dealer yourself! It seems that my work will still very far before being handed to the general. Passing through the corridor to the front of the room of the two cables on board, they call me! I stop walking and enter the environment. I can now witness their actions directly in their posts. But they draw the virtual reality goggles faces. I question them why:

- Have you returned with the soldiers spiders into the boat?
- We do not need to do this manually, Fernando! (Sabino answers). There is an automatic program that does it for us.
- Ahh! I understand! (I reply).
- Fernando! What's that we hear? Are you against our mission? (Everardo questions).
- No, my friend! I'm not here to agree or disagree! I'll only tell you what I see! (I reply).
- But you gave the distinct impression that you are against what we're doing! (Sabino comments).

- If you want my opinion ... I'm torn! I can’t say at this point whether what we are doing here is right or wrong! What I do is I see that this is something cruel and inhumane! I do not say that they do not deserve the end they are having! But my character education and social have difficulty accepting the killing of others. It's easier to read the news in a newspaper that produce the raw personally. Our opinion is issued in a different way in these hours. But what I see here is as cruel as what happens on the streets!

At this moment we heard the speakers boat commander information:

Attention crew aboard! We will be in the triple border and entering into Peruvian territory within two hours! This is the time you have to rest. Return to your posts in an hour and fifty minutes or at any time in case of emergency. Enjoy the short rest.

We have not discussed the fact. We all went to the bedroom to take a nap. Sabino at bedtime requests to the computer of the vessel:

- Computer! Wake us ten minutes before the deadline stipulated by the master!
- Yes, Sabino! Quiet sleep! I will wake up! (the voice soft and feminine computer says).


Marcelo Henrique
as Fernando Dias

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